We have a huge room for all the writer/authors who like to chip in and work on this project. Our project/books are a good read because of wonderful writers who have the zest to tell a story!
It is important you read this before you decide to write for us.
So here's the Project framework for you:
1. The People Place Project is a narrative mapping exercise, exploring certain 'places'(eg Ahmedabad, Kochi,etc) through the framework of personal narratives. All of stories are thus about 'People'. After all it is they who make it the place we are here to map.
2. We look at each of our stories as a window to view the city. Hence the story of the interesting person you would like to write about- should also open up a spectrum of the city hirtherto unknown. Stories with layers, thus helps.
Eg: In the tale of two ticketwallahs -our opening title of People Called Mumbai- the story not only discusses the life of a window ticket seller and black-ticket seller in the city of Mumbai, but it also throws light on the shifting gears of the trade, right from the transaction patterns to the mutliplex pheonomenon which is hitting our landscapes to how movie watching has changed over time.
3. The model works on interviews. We are looking at generating a content base of non- fiction. Thus, a questionnaire, maintaining interview notes, securing interviewee consent is a must. We would also appreciate that the contact details of the interviewee is shared with our team. It helps us be doubly sure of the content we are publishing. It is the perogative of every individual what they would like to share in the public domain and we must respect that.
4. We follow print media journalism model for the writing format. The text cannot be entirely in third person. It has to incorporate verbatim quotes from the interveiwee- this is to provide creative and interpretative liberty to the writer as well as trying to let the 'People's' voice surface.
5. Kindly bear with our editorial team who will trim and hone the stories(with your due permision ofcourse), all this before your stories are published and the book hits the market.
6. Last but not the least: For all of us who have worked on this project earlier, meeting People and writing their stories has not been a journalistic exercise alone. These People whom we have met, have moved us , inspired us and humbled us. Moreover we have discovered that this is indeed the best way to know a city. We intend to share it through our words...
So join us for this amazing experience!!!
Ongoing process...
Our canvas so far...