Stories of Art
4th May - 8th May
Do you wish your child to engage with the World of Art and Imagination ?
This summer, the People Place Project is offering an Art Appreciation workshop for kids above (older than 12 years)
What will do we do?
Across 5 days, we will discuss 25 art works from across the world, and across time. Not only will we peak into the history, the story of the artist, the techniques he/she used, why is this work so important in the world of art history... but also will try to figure what it means to us, what is our response to the work! Each day will also have a fun activity, where we will make an art piece dedicated to our learnings of the day. Sounds fun?!
Number of participants: maximum 15.
Fees: INR 2500
Timings: 3 - 4 pm

Stories of Architecture
11th May - 15th May
Do you wish your child to engage with the World of Architecture and Built Form ?
We are always surrounded by buildings.. new and old. They define our streets, how live, where we work...
This summer, the People Place Project is offering an architecture appreciation workshop. Over 5 days we will look at 20 iconic buildings across India, some from the time of the emperors and many that were build after our country’s Independence...knowing why they were build, who build them and what happens there now...
Number of participants: maximum 15.
Fees: INR 2500
Timings: 3 - 4 pm
Stories of Communities
18th May - 22nd May
Each day we will also do a FUN writing or story telling activity, about travels and places.
Have you always wanted your children to be more sensitive to the diversity of communities in our country? The languages, the occupations, religion, the topography of the landscapes... all have affected the way our country’s distinct communities have developed.
This Summer, the People Place Project is offering a 5 day workshop which will traverse through stories of 20 communities. Through stories of their Art, Architecture, Food, Clothing, Customs, Traditions and Folklore!
Number of participants: maximum 15.
Fees: INR 2500
Timings: 3 - 4 pm