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This festival season gift your near and dear ones a slice of your favourite city. Every time you buy the book, you support our research and zest to bring to you stories from more places.  An anthology of 55 stories offering  a window to re-look at the city!

you can buy our books:


Your support is vital in enabling the project to fulfil its mission. It helps us pay the team of writers, curators and other publication team who work with us so that we can offer you a wider and interesting range of stories. When you donate to or join the People Place Project you support our Publication works, the collection, the learning, the research work, and more.

Please consider supporting the PPP today.





The People Place Project relies on funding from a wide range of sources and there are many ways that you can donate to help ensure that the story mapping exercise continues in India & across the world and its outreach also grows further 

How to get involved: 

1. Be a Patron: 

Much of our funding is awarded for specific projects, so we rely on regular and consistent donations from our committed supporters to help us identify and develop new areas of work.


2. Buy our books:

Our books make a great read for those who are interested in travelling or knowing about the city in depth, hence its makes an optimum gifting solution for many individuals and sponspors. We offer discounted prices for those who wish to collect in bulk quantities. The proceeds which come from this sale help fund our Project.


3. Corporate partnerships & sponsorship:

 Align your brand with the publication, which has a wide outreach. Our first book, People Called Mumbai sold over 4000 copies. Our projections for our future books is over 20,000 annually.


4. Event spaces:

Host our curatorial workshops, writing workshops, and range of other events in your space.


For information on the above:

Write to us at


How does your support help us:






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