The following weeks had been insane. ‘It took me to places I’d conveniently tucked away and forgotten in an old bucket list. It taught me to talk to other people and peel my head away from my noisy and needy Smartphone. It gave me an opportunity to meet a lot of incredible people and talk about their stories. It helped evolve a healthy sense of respect for my fellow Mumbaikars. I began to feel closer to the city and I somehow felt like it accepted me too.’ says Sachi.
The last week was a lot of editing work, selecting the types of graphics, the size of the publication and the official title of the publication. The quality graphics and typefaces were a product of fun exercises with the trademark colored stickies with everybody putting suggestion chits in a small box etc.
By the end of the first week of July, the title, the little graphics were in place, editing nearly done and our publication formats ready. ‘We decided to hold our 3rd Open House dedicated to our four interns who worked tremendously to get these stories together. Titled 'People called Mumbai,' the team had Mariel, Vanessa, Sachi and Krupa narrating a few stories from our draft copy and telling us about their experiences, about how they feel more connected to a city, about how they never thought about so many things to an almost packed mini audience at our Studio. The stories were followed by creative inputs from some people and the discussion concluded with some questions, some suggestions and appreciations from our audience and a small photo session of course’, recalls Sahil. People Called Mumbai then went to AuthorsUpFront in Delhi for final editing.
The Design Variable was seen as an office that transformed itself into a research lab with vital references to context study. It promoted a deeper understanding, not only about people but of the physical place, its architecture and the apt method to deliver it to every reader. It touched the tangible and intangible parameters of living leading to the shaping of the image of the city. The book stood unbound by the language thanks to its lucidity and its strength to touch the hearts.